PHP-Editors - PHP Classes - Contest

PHP Classes Contest !!
For the duration of March, 2025 PHP-Editors and PHP Classes will be working together to bring you a new contest. The rules are simple: Register your classes on the PHP Classes website (you must select opt-in in your profile), then wait for people to vote for your class. Voting covers the following categories: Utility, Consistency, Documentation, Examples and Tests. The classes with the hightest Overall Ratings will win. The overall rating is based on number of votes per category and rating given with an average calulated. Only votes recorded within the duration of the contest will be eligable. A minimum of 5 votes are required before classes are eligable for prizes.

PHP Classes is a widely known website which has tens of thousands of regular users all waiting to use and vote for your classes.

Submit your classes to Remember to specify in your profile page that you wish to enter the contest!!. It's also a good idea to vote for other classes.

It is encouraged that all entants join our forums (if not already), the benefits include the latest information on our contests, questions and answers, and general PHP help. If you would like a monthly contest update and news on new contests, then please sign-up to our newsletter.

  • First Place: - Apress Prize Pack, include two Apress books of the winners choice, delivered in an Apress tote bag complete with a glow in the dark Apress t-shirt.

  • Second Place: - Developers version of Template Tamer

Closing Date: - 31th March 2025 @ midnight

View Previous Winners
View the leaderboard.
View the PHP Classes rating page.

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