
The following example shows how to create a pixmap from an array, creating a button and attaching the pixmap along with the label to the button. It also uses the enter and leave signals to change the pixmap when the button is hovered by the mouse. The icon of the window is set, too - but this won't work on Windows.

Example 2.2. Pixmap button & highlighting example

if (!extension_loaded('gtk')) { 
    dl('php_gtk.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX); 

$arXPMs['ok'] = array(
    "32 32 7 1",
    "   c None",
    ".  c #005F00", "+  c #008A00", "@  c #00BB00", 
    "#  c #00E000", "$  c #00F709", "%  c #4BE24A",
    "                                ",
    "                                ",
    "                                ",
    "                                ",
    "                              @@",
    "                            +@++",
    "+@                        +@+@+ ",
    "+++                     @+@++.  ",
    "+@++                  ++@%++.   ",
    " +%++               +++%%@+     ",
    " +%@++            +++%%%++      ",
    " +@##++         +++%$$%++       ",
    "  +$$%++      +++@$$$$++        ",
    "  +#$$@+.   +++@$$$$%++         ",
    "  +@$$$#+.+.+@$$$$$#+.          ",
    "  .+$$$$@+.@#$$$$$@+.           ",
    "   +##$$$####$$$$++.            ",
    "   .@$#####$$###@..             ",
    "   .+##########+..              ",
    "    .#########+..               ",
    "    .@##@#@#@..                 ",
    "    .+@##@#@+.                  ",
    "    ..#@@#@..                   ",
    "     .@@@@..                    ",
    "     .+@+..                     ",
    "     .++..                      ",
    "      ...                       ",
    "      ..                        ",
    "                                ",
    "                                ",
    "                                ",
    "                                "

$arXPMs['inbox'] = array(
    "16 16 6 1",
    "   c None"   , ".  c #028800", "+  c #995700",
    "@  c #82E61D", "#  c #FFBE58", "$  c #FCEF8E",
    "                ",
    "      ....      ",
    "     .$$$$.     ",
    "     .@@@@.     ",
    "     .@@@@.     ",
    "    ..@@@@..    ",
    "   .@@@@@@@@.   ",
    "    .@@@@@@.    ",
    "     .@.@@.     ",
    "      ..@.      ",
    "+++    ..    +++",
    "+$$+        +$$+",

$window =& new GtkWindow();
$window->set_default_size(200, 100);
$window->connect_object('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));

$clTransparentTest =& new GdkColor('#000000');

$arPxTest = gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm_d($window->window, $clTransparentTest, $arXPMs['ok']);

$btnTest  =& new GtkButton();
$pxmTest  =& new GtkPixmap($arPxTest[0], $arPxTest[1]);
$lblTest  =& new GtkLabel('Button with icon');
$hboxTest =& new GtkHBox();

// hovering the button changes the image
// to a highlighted version of itself
function changePixmap( $btnTest, $strAction, &$pixmap)
    $hbox = $btnTest->child;
    $arChildren = $hbox->children();

    // underline the label
    $lblTest = $arChildren[1];
    $strPattern = '';
    if ($strAction == 'enter') {
        $strPattern = '________________';


// generate a highlighted picture from the original
$arXPMs['high'] = $arXPMs['ok'];
$arData = explode(' ', $arXPMs['high'][0]);
$nColors = $arData[2];

// change all colors | we know the first color is transparent
for ($nA = 2; $nA < $nColors + 1; $nA++) {
    $arData = explode(' #', $arXPMs['high'][$nA]);
    // the following code is taken from PEAR::Image_Color
    $degree = 40;
    $color[] = hexdec(substr($arData[1], 0, 2));
    $color[] = hexdec(substr($arData[1], 2, 2));
    $color[] = hexdec(substr($arData[1], 4, 2));
    for ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x++) {
        if (($color[$x] + $degree) < 256) {
            if (($color1[$x] + $degree) > -1) {
                $color[$x] += $degree;
            } else {
                $color[$x] = 0;
        } else {
            $color[$x] = 255;
    $arData[1] = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
    $arXPMs['high'][$nA] = implode(' #', $arData);

$arPxTestH = gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm_d($window->window, null, $arXPMs['high']);
$pxmTestHigh =& new GtkPixmap($arPxTestH[0], $arPxTestH[1]);

$btnTest->connect('enter', 'changePixmap', 'enter', $pxmTestHigh);
$btnTest->connect('leave', 'changePixmap', 'leave', $pxmTest);

$alBtn =& new GtkAlignment(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);

list($pxWindow, $maskWindow) = gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm_d($window->window, null, $arXPMs['inbox']);
$gdkwindow = $window->window;
$gdkwindow->set_icon($gdkwindow, $pxWindow, $maskWindow);



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