Results for contest B1
Time Out/No Result  =    999 
Incorrect Solution  =    888 (additional point to be added for correct position cards)

DECK 1 = aDCeEAfbBdcF                                       [ 12 ]
DECK 2 = GbiCJelFahBIdkELgAHcjDKf                           [ 24 ]
DECK 3 = BbAaDdCc                                           [  8 ]
DECK 4 = xHJDFPRLNXaTVgiceoqkmwysuEGACMOIKUWQSdfYblnhjtvprB [ 50 ]
DECK 5 = LlKkJjIiHhGgFfEeDdCcBbAaXxWwVvUuTtSsRrQqPpOoNnMm   [ 48 ]

NAME                DECK 1    DECK 2  DECK 3  DECK 4  DECK 5   SCORE 
agastiya               1.46      0.14    0.03    2.38     888      94 view
alan                    0.7      0.08    0.02    1.29     888      94 view
andrei                 1.08      0.13    0.03    2.38     999      94 view
andrew                 0.24      0.03    0.01    0.48     888      94 view
arvo                    999       999     999     999     999       0 view
barry                0.0026      0.89  0.0028    1.09     999      94 view
bibin                   999      0.15    0.42    3.29     999      82 view
boris                   999       999     999     999     999       0 view
cagret                0.032     0.004  0.0038   0.033   0.034     142 view  1st Place
carl                   0.37      0.01   0.005    1.77    5.64     142 view  3rd Place
cody                    888       999     888     999     999       0 view
daniel                 0.48      0.04    0.02    0.95     999      94 view
dn                     0.42      0.06   0.004    2.12     999      94 view
glassjaw               2.56       999  0.0035    1.42   0.053     118 view
jake                 0.0026       999  0.0026     999    0.02     118 view
jorgen                17.03      0.05  0.0042    20.6     999      94 view
joshua                 0.15     0.018  0.0062    0.29     999      94 view
kerry                   0.9     0.026  0.0075    1.48     888      94 view
laurent                 888       888     888     888     888       0 view
leon                    3.4      0.03  0.0046    4.99     888      94 view
michael                0.82      0.55   0.016   29.14    25.2     142 view 2nd Place
mourgogiannis          0.33     0.039  0.0069    0.75     999      94 view
peter                  0.14     0.023   0.011    0.75     999      94 view
rikul                  5.06     0.024   0.006    7.77     888      94 view
robert                 0.17     0.018   0.005   0.407     999      94 view
sergey                 0.41     0.038  0.0036    0.71     999      94 view
simon                  8.52      0.04  0.0047    12.3     999      94 view
stjephan               0.85     0.026   0.004    1.39     888      94 view
tanel                  0.41      0.58    0.31     888     888      44 view
victor                20.01       888    0.06     888     888      20 view
vlad                   0.16     0.015   0.003   0.258     999      94 view
wayne                  0.19     0.022   0.006   0.587     999      94 view
max points           [ 12 ]    [ 24 ]   [ 8 ]  [ 50 ]  [ 48 ]   [ 142 ]

There were 3 scripts that produced top scores (142):
  • cagret
  • carl
  • michael

These 3 go to tiebrake 1 (fewest operations needed):
  • cagret     - 10 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 22 (50)
  • carl         - 10 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 22 (52)
  • michael - 10 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 22 (50)

That leaves 2 for tiebrake 2 (fastest script for all 5 decks):
  • cagret     - 0.032 | 0.004 | 0.0038 | 0.033 | 0.034 (0.1068)
  • michael - 0.820 | 0.550 | 0.0160 | 29.14 | 25.20 (55.726)

Congratulations to cagret for winning first prize, and to everyone else who entered.

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