GtkViewport Constructor

GtkViewport Constructor

GtkViewport ([ GtkAdjustment hadjustment = NULL , [ GtkAdjustment vadjustment = NULL ]]);

You should rarely need to construct a GtkViewport directly, as its main use is where a GtkScrolledWindow needs a scrollable widget as its child - which situation is catered for with the method add_with_viewport() , saving three or four coding lines.

Example 56. Creating a GtkViewport the hard way


dl('php_gtk.'.(strstr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') ? 'dll' : 'so'));

/* set up a window */
$window = &new GtkWindow();
$window->connect_object('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));

/* set up the scrolled window and add it to the main window,
   sizing it if necessary. */
$scrolledwindow = &new GtkScrolledWindow();
$scrolledwindow->set_usize(150, 150);

/* create the viewport */
$viewport = &new GtkViewport();

/* create a box container and add child widget or widgets to it - because
   as with most widgets, a GtkCalendar has no adjustment-friendly focus
   internals, whereas a box container does */
$box = &new GtkVBox();
$calendar = &new GtkCalendar();
$box->pack_start($calendar, false);

/* add the box to the viewport, and the viewport to the scrolled window */




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