SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: An Introduction
The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose
from. And if you really don't like all the standards you just have to
wait another year until the one arises you are looking for.
-- A. Tanenbaum, "Introduction to
Computer Networks"
As an introduction this chapter is aimed at readers who are familiar
with the Web, HTTP, and Apache, but are not security experts. It is not
intended to be a definitive guide to the SSL protocol, nor does it discuss
specific techniques for managing certificates in an organization, or the
important legal issues of patents and import and export restrictions.
Rather, it is intended to provide a common background to mod_ssl users by
pulling together various concepts, definitions, and examples as a starting
point for further exploration.
The presented content is mainly derived, with permission by the author,
from the article Introducing
SSL and Certificates using SSLeay from Frederick J. Hirsch, of The
Open Group Research Institute, which was published in Web Security: A Matter of
Trust, World Wide Web Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3, Summer 1997.
Please send any positive feedback to Frederick Hirsch (the original
article author) and all negative feedback to Ralf S. Engelschall (the

Understanding SSL requires an understanding of cryptographic
algorithms, message digest functions (aka. one-way or hash functions), and
digital signatures. These techniques are the subject of entire books (see
for instance [AC96]) and provide the basis for privacy,
integrity, and authentication.
Suppose Alice wants to send a message to her bank to transfer some
money. Alice would like the message to be private, since it will
include information such as her account number and transfer amount. One
solution is to use a cryptographic algorithm, a technique that would
transform her message into an encrypted form, unreadable except by
those it is intended for. Once in this form, the message may only be
interpreted through the use of a secret key. Without the key the
message is useless: good cryptographic algorithms make it so difficult
for intruders to decode the original text that it isn't worth their
There are two categories of cryptographic algorithms: conventional
and public key.
- Conventional cryptography
- also known as symmetric cryptography, requires the sender and
receiver to share a key: a secret piece of information that may be
used to encrypt or decrypt a message. If this key is secret, then
nobody other than the sender or receiver may read the message. If
Alice and the bank know a secret key, then they may send each other
private messages. The task of privately choosing a key before
communicating, however, can be problematic.
- Public key cryptography
- also known as asymmetric cryptography, solves the key exchange
problem by defining an algorithm which uses two keys, each of which
may be used to encrypt a message. If one key is used to encrypt a
message then the other must be used to decrypt it. This makes it
possible to receive secure messages by simply publishing one key
(the public key) and keeping the other secret (the private key).
Anyone may encrypt a message using the public key, but only the
owner of the private key will be able to read it. In this way, Alice
may send private messages to the owner of a key-pair (the bank), by
encrypting it using their public key. Only the bank will be able to
decrypt it.
Although Alice may encrypt her message to make it private, there
is still a concern that someone might modify her original message or
substitute it with a different one, in order to transfer the money
to themselves, for instance. One way of guaranteeing the integrity
of Alice's message is to create a concise summary of her message and
send this to the bank as well. Upon receipt of the message, the bank
creates its own summary and compares it with the one Alice sent. If
they agree then the message was received intact.
A summary such as this is called a message digest, one-way
function or hash function. Message digests are used to create
short, fixed-length representations of longer, variable-length messages.
Digest algorithms are designed to produce unique digests for different
messages. Message digests are designed to make it too difficult to determine
the message from the digest, and also impossible to find two different
messages which create the same digest -- thus eliminating the possibility of
substituting one message for another while maintaining the same digest.
Another challenge that Alice faces is finding a way to send the digest to the
bank securely; when this is achieved, the integrity of the associated message
is assured. One way to do this is to include the digest in a digital
When Alice sends a message to the bank, the bank needs to ensure that the
message is really from her, so an intruder does not request a transaction
involving her account. A digital signature, created by Alice and
included with the message, serves this purpose.
Digital signatures are created by encrypting a digest of the message,
and other information (such as a sequence number) with the sender's
private key. Though anyone may decrypt the signature using the public
key, only the signer knows the private key. This means that only they may
have signed it. Including the digest in the signature means the signature is
only good for that message; it also ensures the integrity of the message since
no one can change the digest and still sign it.
To guard against interception and reuse of the signature by an intruder at a
later date, the signature contains a unique sequence number. This protects
the bank from a fraudulent claim from Alice that she did not send the message
-- only she could have signed it (non-repudiation).

Although Alice could have sent a private message to the bank, signed
it, and ensured the integrity of the message, she still needs to be sure
that she is really communicating with the bank. This means that she needs
to be sure that the public key she is using corresponds to the bank's
private key. Similarly, the bank also needs to verify that the message
signature really corresponds to Alice's signature.
If each party has a certificate which validates the other's identity,
confirms the public key, and is signed by a trusted agency, then they both
will be assured that they are communicating with whom they think they are.
Such a trusted agency is called a Certificate Authority, and
certificates are used for authentication.
A certificate associates a public key with the real identity of
an individual, server, or other entity, known as the subject. As
shown in Table 1, information about the subject
includes identifying information (the distinguished name), and the
public key. It also includes the identification and signature of the
Certificate Authority that issued the certificate, and the period of
time during which the certificate is valid. It may have additional
information (or extensions) as well as administrative information
for the Certificate Authority's use, such as a serial number.
Subject |
Distinguished Name, Public Key |
Issuer |
Distinguished Name, Signature |
Period of Validity |
Not Before Date, Not After Date |
Administrative Information |
Version, Serial Number |
Extended Information |
Basic Constraints, Netscape Flags, etc. |
A distinguished name is used to provide an identity in a specific
context -- for instance, an individual might have a personal
certificate as well as one for their identity as an employee.
Distinguished names are defined by the X.509 standard [X509], which defines the fields, field names, and
abbreviations used to refer to the fields (see Table
DN Field |
Abbrev. |
Description |
Example |
Common Name |
CN |
Name being certified |
CN=Joe Average |
Organization or Company |
O |
Name is associated with this organization |
O=Snake Oil, Ltd. |
Organizational Unit |
OU |
Name is associated with this organization unit, such
as a department |
OU=Research Institute |
City/Locality |
L |
Name is located in this City |
L=Snake City |
State/Province |
ST |
Name is located in this State/Province |
ST=Desert |
Country |
C |
Name is located in this Country (ISO code) |
C=XZ |
A Certificate Authority may define a policy specifying which
distinguished field names are optional, and which are required. It
may also place requirements upon the field contents, as may users of
certificates. As an example, a Netscape browser requires that the
Common Name for a certificate representing a server has a name which
matches a wildcard pattern for the domain name of that server, such
as *
The binary format of a certificate is defined using the ASN.1
notation [X208] [PKCS]. This
notation defines how to specify the contents, and encoding rules
define how this information is translated into binary form. The binary
encoding of the certificate is defined using Distinguished Encoding
Rules (DER), which are based on the more general Basic Encoding Rules
(BER). For those transmissions which cannot handle binary, the binary
form may be translated into an ASCII form by using Base64 encoding
[MIME]. This encoded version is called PEM encoded
(the name comes from "Privacy Enhanced Mail"), when placed between
begin and end delimiter lines as illustrated in the following
Example of a PEM-encoded certificate (snakeoil.crt)
By first verifying the information in a certificate request
before granting the certificate, the Certificate Authority assures
the identity of the private key owner of a key-pair. For instance,
if Alice requests a personal certificate, the Certificate Authority
must first make sure that Alice really is the person the certificate
request claims.
A Certificate Authority may also issue a certificate for
another Certificate Authority. When examining a certificate,
Alice may need to examine the certificate of the issuer, for each
parent Certificate Authority, until reaching one which she has
confidence in. She may decide to trust only certificates with a
limited chain of issuers, to reduce her risk of a "bad" certificate
in the chain.
As noted earlier, each certificate requires an issuer to assert
the validity of the identity of the certificate subject, up to
the top-level Certificate Authority (CA). This presents a problem:
Since this is who vouches for the certificate of the top-level
authority, which has no issuer? In this unique case, the
certificate is "self-signed", so the issuer of the certificate is
the same as the subject. As a result, one must exercise extra care
in trusting a self-signed certificate. The wide publication of a
public key by the root authority reduces the risk in trusting this
key -- it would be obvious if someone else publicized a key
claiming to be the authority. Browsers are preconfigured to trust
well-known certificate authorities.
A number of companies, such as Thawte and VeriSign
have established themselves as Certificate Authorities. These
companies provide the following services:
- Verifying certificate requests
- Processing certificate requests
- Issuing and managing certificates
It is also possible to create your own Certificate Authority.
Although risky in the Internet environment, it may be useful
within an Intranet where the organization can easily verify the
identities of individuals and servers.
Establishing a Certificate Authority is a responsibility which
requires a solid administrative, technical, and management
framework. Certificate Authorities not only issue certificates,
they also manage them -- that is, they determine how long
certificates are valid, they renew them, and they keep lists of
certificates that have already been issued but are no longer valid
(Certificate Revocation Lists, or CRLs). Say Alice is entitled to
a certificate as an employee of a company. Say too, that the
certificate needs to be revoked when Alice leaves the company. Since
certificates are objects that get passed around, it is impossible
to tell from the certificate alone that it has been revoked. When
examining certificates for validity, therefore, it is necessary to
contact the issuing Certificate Authority to check CRLs -- this
is not usually an automated part of the process.
If you use a Certificate Authority that is not configured into
browsers by default, it is necessary to load the Certificate
Authority certificate into the browser, enabling the browser to
validate server certificates signed by that Certificate Authority.
Doing so may be dangerous, since once loaded, the browser will
accept all certificates signed by that Certificate Authority.

The Secure Sockets Layer protocol is a protocol layer which may be
placed between a reliable connection-oriented network layer protocol
(e.g. TCP/IP) and the application protocol layer (e.g. HTTP). SSL provides
for secure communication between client and server by allowing mutual
authentication, the use of digital signatures for integrity, and encryption
for privacy.
The protocol is designed to support a range of choices for specific
algorithms used for cryptography, digests, and signatures. This allows
algorithm selection for specific servers to be made based on legal, export
or other concerns, and also enables the protocol to take advantage of new
algorithms. Choices are negotiated between client and server at the start
of establishing a protocol session.
Version |
Source |
Description |
Browser Support |
SSL v2.0 |
Vendor Standard (from Netscape Corp.) [SSL2] |
First SSL protocol for which implementations exists |
- NS Navigator 1.x/2.x
- MS IE 3.x
- Lynx/2.8+OpenSSL |
SSL v3.0 |
Expired Internet Draft (from Netscape Corp.) [SSL3] |
Revisions to prevent specific security attacks, add non-RSA
ciphers, and support for certificate chains |
- NS Navigator 2.x/3.x/4.x
- MS IE 3.x/4.x
- Lynx/2.8+OpenSSL |
TLS v1.0 |
Proposed Internet Standard (from IETF) [TLS1] |
Revision of SSL 3.0 to update the MAC layer to HMAC, add block
padding for block ciphers, message order standardization and more
alert messages. |
- Lynx/2.8+OpenSSL |
There are a number of versions of the SSL protocol, as shown in
Table 4. As noted there, one of the benefits in
SSL 3.0 is that it adds support of certificate chain loading. This feature
allows a server to pass a server certificate along with issuer certificates
to the browser. Chain loading also permits the browser to validate the
server certificate, even if Certificate Authority certificates are not
installed for the intermediate issuers, since they are included in the
certificate chain. SSL 3.0 is the basis for the Transport Layer Security
[TLS] protocol standard, currently in development by
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
The SSL session is established by following a handshake sequence
between client and server, as shown in Figure 1. This sequence may vary, depending on whether the server
is configured to provide a server certificate or request a client
certificate. Though cases exist where additional handshake steps
are required for management of cipher information, this article
summarizes one common scenario: see the SSL specification for the full
range of possibilities.
Once an SSL session has been established it may be reused, thus
avoiding the performance penalty of repeating the many steps needed
to start a session. For this the server assigns each SSL session a
unique session identifier which is cached in the server and which the
client can use on forthcoming connections to reduce the handshake
(until the session identifer expires in the cache of the server).

Figure 1: Simplified SSL
Handshake Sequence
The elements of the handshake sequence, as used by the client and
server, are listed below:
- Negotiate the Cipher Suite to be used during data transfer
- Establish and share a session key between client and server
- Optionally authenticate the server to the client
- Optionally authenticate the client to the server
The first step, Cipher Suite Negotiation, allows the client and
server to choose a Cipher Suite supportable by both of them. The SSL3.0
protocol specification defines 31 Cipher Suites. A Cipher Suite is
defined by the following components:
- Key Exchange Method
- Cipher for Data Transfer
- Message Digest for creating the Message Authentication Code (MAC)
These three elements are described in the sections that follow.
The key exchange method defines how the shared secret symmetric
cryptography key used for application data transfer will be agreed
upon by client and server. SSL 2.0 uses RSA key exchange only, while
SSL 3.0 supports a choice of key exchange algorithms including the
RSA key exchange when certificates are used, and Diffie-Hellman key
exchange for exchanging keys without certificates and without prior
communication between client and server.
One variable in the choice of key exchange methods is digital
signatures -- whether or not to use them, and if so, what kind of
signatures to use. Signing with a private key provides assurance
against a man-in-the-middle-attack during the information exchange
used in generating the shared key [AC96, p516].
SSL uses the conventional cryptography algorithm (symmetric
cryptography) described earlier for encrypting messages in a session.
There are nine choices, including the choice to perform no
- No encryption
- Stream Ciphers
- RC4 with 40-bit keys
- RC4 with 128-bit keys
- CBC Block Ciphers
- RC2 with 40 bit key
- DES with 40 bit key
- DES with 56 bit key
- Triple-DES with 168 bit key
- Idea (128 bit key)
- Fortezza (96 bit key)
Here "CBC" refers to Cipher Block Chaining, which means that a
portion of the previously encrypted cipher text is used in the
encryption of the current block. "DES" refers to the Data Encryption
Standard [AC96, ch12], which has a number of
variants (including DES40 and 3DES_EDE). "Idea" is one of the best
and cryptographically strongest available algorithms, and "RC2" is
a proprietary algorithm from RSA DSI [AC96,
The choice of digest function determines how a digest is created
from a record unit. SSL supports the following:
- No digest (Null choice)
- MD5, a 128-bit hash
- Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1), a 160-bit hash
The message digest is used to create a Message Authentication Code
(MAC) which is encrypted with the message to provide integrity and to
prevent against replay attacks.
The handshake sequence uses three protocols:
- The SSL Handshake Protocol
for performing the client and server SSL session establishment.
- The SSL Change Cipher Spec Protocol for actually
establishing agreement on the Cipher Suite for the session.
- The SSL Alert Protocol for conveying SSL error
messages between client and server.
These protocols, as well as application protocol data, are
encapsulated in the SSL Record Protocol, as shown in
Figure 2. An encapsulated protocol is
transferred as data by the lower layer protocol, which does not
examine the data. The encapsulated protocol has no knowledge of the
underlying protocol.

Figure 2: SSL Protocol Stack
The encapsulation of SSL control protocols by the record protocol
means that if an active session is renegotiated the control protocols
will be transmitted securely. If there were no session before, then
the Null cipher suite is used, which means there is no encryption and
messages have no integrity digests until the session has been
The SSL Record Protocol, shown in Figure 3,
is used to transfer application and SSL Control data between the
client and server, possibly fragmenting this data into smaller units,
or combining multiple higher level protocol data messages into single
units. It may compress, attach digest signatures, and encrypt these
units before transmitting them using the underlying reliable transport
protocol (Note: currently all major SSL implementations lack support
for compression).

Figure 3: SSL Record Protocol
One common use of SSL is to secure Web HTTP communication between
a browser and a webserver. This case does not preclude the use of
non-secured HTTP. The secure version is mainly plain HTTP over SSL
(named HTTPS), but with one major difference: it uses the URL scheme
rather than http
and a different
server port (by default 443). This mainly is what mod_ssl
provides to you for the Apache webserver...

- [AC96]
- Bruce Schneier,
Applied Cryptography
, 2nd Edition, Wiley,
1996. See for various other materials by Bruce
- [X208]
- ITU-T Recommendation X.208,
Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN.1)
, 1988. See for instance
- [X509]
- ITU-T Recommendation X.509,
The Directory - Authentication
. See for instance
- [PKCS]
Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)
RSA Laboratories Technical Notes, See
- [MIME]
- N. Freed, N. Borenstein,
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies
, RFC2045.
See for instance
- [SSL2]
- Kipp E.B. Hickman,
The SSL Protocol
, 1995. See
- [SSL3]
- Alan O. Freier, Philip Karlton, Paul C. Kocher,
The SSL Protocol
Version 3.0
, 1996. See
- [TLS1]
- Tim Dierks, Christopher Allen,
The TLS Protocol Version 1.0
1999. See