PHP Math Puzzle Generator - By PHP-Editors

Rules of play: The puzzle is made up of 4 boards (A through D), each board is split into four groups of four numbers. Each groups of numbers within a board have one solution - so each group of numbers have the same solution per board. Each board has only one solution. To find the solution, use the operators given under each group. These operators are both used, one is used once, the other is used twice. To give an example: 10, 20, 15 and 5. Operators + (plus) and - (minus) then a possible solution could be (((10+5)+15)-20)=10. The order of the numbers and operators are random, the puzzle is for you to work out possible solutions per group and look for a common answer in the board. Do this for all boards to solve the puzzle.

When you think you have the solution, click the 'Check' button and a javascript alert box will tell you if your solution is correct or incorrect. If you are unsure and want to get the solution, click the 'show solution' box, a javascript alert box will give the answer.

Each time the page is loaded a new puzzle is generated. This is the first version of this puzzle, so please give your feedback. Let us know if it is easy or hard, or if you know ways to improve it. Have Fun!!

Board A
6 19
29 11
+ -
30 39
5 31
+ -
16 4
5 12
+ -
8 14
11 44
- +
A =
    Board B
40 2
43 17
+ -
39 21
13 17
- +
46 32
42 6
- +
29 38
17 4
- +
B =
Board C
8 30
12 25
+ -
19 33
9 8
- +
43 31
11 16
+ -
23 29
44 23
- +
C =
    Board D
12 47
24 33
- +
14 46
26 32
- +
12 43
4 9
- +
40 6
42 22
+ -
D =
A + B + C + D = 90

Author Details

Author: - Let us know what your think, is it easy or hard and do you have ideas on how to improve it?

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