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Code of zander
/* * Written by: Alexander A. Magtipon * * Copyright (c) 2003 * */
class zJumbledWords { var $char_pool = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var $input_array = array(); var $output_array = array(); var $char_count = 0; var $_input_loaded = false; var $_blank_chars = 2; var $_cur_blank_cpool = ''; var $_cur_input_cpool = ''; var $_cur_output_str = ''; var $_cur_search_array = array(); var $_cur_blank_buf = ''; var $_cur_output_buf = ''; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function loadInput( $f_path='' ) { clearstatcache(); if( !is_file($f_path) ) { echo "No input file...(lists.txt expected) !!!"; return $this->_input_loaded; } $f_str = implode( '',@file($f_path) ); $f_str = str_replace( array("\r","\n"),'',$f_str ); $this->input_array = preg_split( '/\./',trim($f_str),-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); $this->_input_loaded = true; return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parseInput() { if( !$this->_input_loaded ) return $this->_input_loaded; foreach( $this->input_array as $input ) { $this->_resetBuffers(); $this->_loadInputItem( $input ); $this->_parseInputItem(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function printOutput() { if( !$this->_input_loaded ) return $this->_input_loaded; foreach( $this->output_array as $str ) { echo "$str <br>"; } echo "$this->char_count"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _loadInputItem( $input ) { $a_tmp = explode( ',',$input ); $this->_cur_search_array = explode( ' ',trim($a_tmp[0]) ); $this->_cur_input_cpool = trim( $a_tmp[1] ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _parseInputItem() { $this->_arraySortByLength( $this->_cur_search_array,'DESC' ); foreach( $this->_cur_search_array as $str ) { $tmpstr = ''; $char_count = 0; for( $i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++ ) { $blank = false; $char = $this->_fetchCharFromPool( $str{$i} ); if( !$char ) { $char = $this->_fetchBlankChar( $str{$i} ); $blank = true; } if( !$char ) { $this->_resetItemBuf(); $tmpstr = ''; $char_count = 0; break; }else { $tmpstr .= ( $blank ) ? '<font color=red>'.$char.'</font>' : $char ; $char_count++; } } if( $tmpstr ) { $this->char_count += $char_count; $this->_cur_output_str .= $tmpstr.' '; } } $this->output_array[] = $this->_cur_output_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _fetchCharFromPool( $char ) { $retchar = $this->_stringPop( $this->_cur_input_cpool,$char ); $this->_cur_output_buf .= $retchar; return $retchar; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _fetchBlankChar( $char ) { $blank = ''; if( $this->_blank_chars>0 ) { $blank = $this->_stringPop( $this->_cur_blank_cpool,$char ); $this->_cur_blank_buf .= $blank; $this->_blank_chars--; } return $blank; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _stringPop( &$str,$char ) { $retchar = ''; $pos = strpos( $str,$char ); if( $pos!==false ) { $retchar = substr( $str,$pos,strlen($char) ); $str = substr_replace( $str,'',$pos,strlen($char) ); } return $retchar; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _arraySortByLength( &$array,$order='ASC' ) { usort( $array,'strnatcasecmp' ); if( $order=='DESC' ) $array = array_reverse( $array ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _resetItemBuf() { $this->_cur_blank_cpool .= $this->_cur_blank_buf; $this->_cur_input_cpool .= $this->_cur_output_buf; $this->_cur_blank_buf = ''; $this->_cur_output_buf = ''; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _resetBuffers() { $this->_blank_chars = 2; $this->_cur_blank_cpool = $this->char_pool; $this->_cur_input_cpool = ''; $this->_cur_output_str = ''; $this->_cur_search_array = array();
$this->_cur_blank_buf = ''; $this->_cur_output_buf = ''; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
$jwobj = new zJumbledWords(); $jwobj->loadInput( 'lists.txt' ); $jwobj->parseInput(); $jwobj->printOutput();
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