Code of stephan
// read map.txt // eliminate 2-way streets // eliminate duplicates, take only shortest ways
$map = array(); $handle = fopen ("map.txt", "r"); while (!feof ($handle)) { $buffer = trim(fgets($handle, 4096)); $dummy = explode(" ", $buffer); if(!isset($map[$dummy[0]][$dummy[2]]) || $map[$dummy[0]][$dummy[2]]>$dummy[1]) { $map[$dummy[0]][$dummy[2]] = $dummy[1]; } if($dummy[3]==2) { if(!isset($map[$dummy[2]][$dummy[0]]) || $map[$dummy[2]][$dummy[0]]>$dummy[1]) { $map[$dummy[2]][$dummy[0]] = $dummy[1]; } } } fclose ($handle);
// read dest.txt $route = explode(" ", $buffer); $handle = fopen ("dest.txt", "r"); $buffer = trim(fgets($handle, 4096)); fclose ($handle); $route = explode(" ", $buffer);
// we only need the shortest distances for our route-points foreach($route as $start) { foreach($route as $stop) { if($stop!=$start) { $tmp = calcdist($start, $stop, $map); if($tmp) $shortestroutes[$start][$stop] = $tmp; } } }
$result = calcshortest($route, $shortestroutes); print $result["way"]." ".$result["distance"];
// calculates the best route based on $route and $shortestroutes function calcshortest($route, $shortestroutes, $act="", $distance=0, $shortest=false, $reached=array(), $depth=0) { if(sizeof($reached)>=sizeof($route)) { return array("distance"=>$distance, "way"=>implode(",",$reached)); } foreach($route as $next) { $myreached = $reached; if(in_array($next, $myreached)) continue; $myreached[] = $next; if(!$act || $shortestroutes[$act][$next]) { $tmp = calcshortest($route, $shortestroutes, $next, $distance+$shortestroutes[$act][$next], $shortest, $myreached, $depth+1); if(!$shortest || $tmp["distance"]<$shortest["distance"]) { $shortest = $tmp; } } } return $shortest; }
// calculates the shortest distance between points $start and $stop, based on $map function calcdist($start, $stop, $map, $act="", $distance=0, $shortest=0, $reached=array(), $depth=0) { if(!$act) $act=$start; $reached[] = $act; if(is_array($map[$act])) foreach($map[$act] as $nextstop=>$nextdistance) { if(in_array($nextstop, $reached)) continue; if($nextstop==$stop) { if(!$shortest || $shortest>$distance+$nextdistance) { $shortest = $distance+$nextdistance; } continue; } $tmp = calcdist($start, $stop, $map, $nextstop, $distance+$nextdistance, $shortest, $reached, $depth+1); if($tmp && (!$shortest || $shortest > $tmp)) { $shortest = $tmp; } } return $shortest; }
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