Code of turi
<?php require_once('map.class.php');
$mapFile = (isset($_REQUEST['map'])) ? $_REQUEST['map'] : 'map.txt'; $destinationFile = (isset($_REQUEST['dest'])) ? $_REQUEST['dest'] : 'dest.txt';
$myMap = new BigMap($mapFile, $destinationFile); $smallMap = new SmallMap(); $myMap->makeSmallMap($smallMap); $smallMap->start(); $smallMap->echhho(); ?>
<? // ************************************************************* // INCLUDE FILE PASTED BELOW FOR DISPLAY ON PHP-EDITORS.COM // ************************************************************* // MAP.CLASS.PHP ?><?php class Map {
var $ways = Array(); var $destination = Array(); var $allDestination = Array();
function addWay($from, $distance, $to) { if ($from == $to) return; $length = sizeof($this->ways); for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { if ($this->ways[$i]['from'] == $from and $this->ways[$i]['to'] == $to) { if ($this->ways[$i]['distance'] > $distance) { $this->ways[$i]['from'] = $from; $this->ways[$i]['distance'] = $distance; $this->ways[$i]['to'] = $to; } return; } } array_push($this->ways, array('from' => $from, 'distance'=> $distance, 'to' => $to)); array_push($this->allDestination, $from, $to); }
function addDestination($dest) { if (!in_array($dest, $this->allDestination)) die('error: '.$dest); if (!in_array($dest, $this->destination)) array_push($this->destination, $dest); }
function getWaysIndex($from) { $indexs = Array(); $length = sizeof($this->ways); for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { if ($this->ways[$i]['from'] == $from) array_push($indexs, $i); } return $indexs; } };
class BigMap extends Map {
function BigMap($mf, $df) { $file = @fopen($mf, 'r') or die('fopen error: '.$mf); while (!feof($file)) { $buffer = fgets($file, 512); $array = explode(' ', trim($buffer)); if (sizeof($array) == 4) { $this->addWay($array[0], $array[1], $array[2]); if ($array[3] == 2) { $this->addWay($array[2], $array[1], $array[0]); } } } fclose($file); $file = @fopen($df, 'r') or die('fopen error: '.$df); while (!feof($file)) { $buffer = fgets($file, 512); $array = explode(' ', trim($buffer)); foreach($array as $item) { if (!empty($item)) $this->addDestination( strtoupper($item) ); } } fclose($file); }
function __construct($mf, $df) { $this->BigMap($mf, $df); }
function makeSmallMap(&$map) { foreach ($this->destination as $dest) { $this->make($map, array($dest), 0); } } function make(&$map, $way, $dist) { $dest = $way[count($way)-1]; $from = $way[0]; $index = $this->getWaysIndex($dest); foreach($index as $i) { $to = $this->ways[$i]['to']; if (in_array($to, $way)) continue; $distance = $this->ways[$i]['distance'] + $dist; if ( in_array($to,$this->destination) ) { $map->addWay($from, $distance, $to); } else { array_push($way, $to); $this->make($map, $way, $distance); array_pop($way); } } $map->addDestination($from); }
class SmallMap extends Map {
var $path = Array(); var $sumPathDist = 0; var $optPathDist = -1; var $pathNumber = 0; var $run = true; function Start() { $length = sizeof($this->destination); for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { array_push($this->path, array( 'path' => array($this->destination[$i]), 'distance' => 0, 'absent' => $length-1 ) ); $this->pathNumber++; } while ($this->run) { $this->oneStep(); } }
function oneStep() { $this->run = false; $length = sizeof($this->path); for ( $i=0; $i<$length; $i++ ) { if ( $this->path[$i] == null ) { continue; } if ( $this->optPathDist != -1 and $this->path[$i]['distance'] > $this->optPathDist ) { $this->sumPathDist -= $this->path[$i]['distance']; $this->path[$i] = null; $this->pathNumber--; continue; } if ( $this->path[$i]['absent'] == 0 ) { continue; } $pathMin = ($this->optPathDist!=-1)?$this->optPathDist:($this->sumPathDist/$this->pathNumber); if ( $this->path[$i]['distance'] <= $pathMin) { $a = $this->getWaysIndex($this->path[$i]['path'][sizeof($this->path[$i]['path'])-1]); $first = true; $oldPath = $this->path[$i]['path']; $oldDistance = $this->path[$i]['distance']; $oldAbsent = $this->path[$i]['absent']; foreach($a as $b) { $newDistance = $this->ways[$b]['distance']; if ( $this->optPathDist != -1 and $oldDistance+$newDistance > $this->optPathDist ) { continue; } $newDestination = $this->ways[$b]['to']; if ($this->isRound($oldPath, $newDestination) ) { continue; } $this->run = true; if ($first) { $index = $i; $first = false; } else { $index = sizeof($this->path); array_push($this->path, array( 'path' => $oldPath, 'distance' => $oldDistance, 'absent' => $oldAbsent ) ); $this->sumPathDist += $oldDistance; $this->pathNumber++; } if (!in_array($newDestination, $this->path[$index]['path'])) { $this->path[$index]['absent'] -= 1; } array_push($this->path[$index]['path'], $newDestination); $this->path[$index]['distance'] += $newDistance; $this->sumPathDist += $newDistance;
if ( $this->optPathDist == -1 and $this->path[$index]['absent'] == 0 ) { $this->optPathDist = $this->path[$index]['distance']; } elseif ( $this->path[$index]['absent'] == 0 and $this->path[$index]['distance'] < $this->optPathDist ) { $this->optPathDist = $this->path[$index]['distance']; } } if ($first and $oldAbsent > 0) { $this->run = true; $this->path[$i] = null; $this->sumPathDist -= $oldDistance; $this->pathNumber--; } } } }
function isRound(&$path, &$newDest) { $length = sizeof($path); $index = -1; for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { if ($path[$i] == $newDest) $index = $i; } if ($index == -1) return false; for ($i=$index+1; $i<$length; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j<$index; $j++) { if ($path[$j] == $path[$i]) continue; if ($j == $index-1) return false; } } return true; }
function echhho() { foreach($this->path as $k => $i) if ($i['path'] != null) echo join(' ', array_unique($i['path'])).' '.$i['distance']."\n"; } }; ?>
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