19.3. Customizing Tripwire
After you have installed the Tripwire RPM, you must complete the
following steps to initialize the software:
19.3.1. Edit /etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt
Although you are not required to edit this sample Tripwire
configuration file, you may find it necessary for your situation. For
instance, you may want to alter the location of Tripwire files,
customize email settings, or customize the level of detail for
Below is a list of required user configurable
variables in the /etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt file:
POLFILE — Specifies the location of
the policy file; /etc/tripwire/tw.pol is the default value.
DBFILE — Specifies the location of
the database
file; /var/lib/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME).twd is the default value.
REPORTFILE — Specifies the location
of the report files. By default this value is set to
SITEKEYFILE — Specifies the location
of the site key file; /etc/tripwire/site.key is
the default value.
LOCALKEYFILE — Specifies the location
of the local key
file; /etc/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME)-local.key is
the default value.
 | Important |
| If you edit the configuration file and leave any of the above
variables undefined, the configuration file will be invalid. If this
occurs, when you execute the tripwire command it
will report an error and exit.
The rest of the configurable variables in the sample
/etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt file are optional. These
include the following:
EDITOR — Specifies the text editor
called by Tripwire. The default value is /bin/vi.
true, this variable configures Tripwire to wait as
long as possible before prompting the user for a password,
thereby minimizing the amount of time the password is in
memory. The default value is false.
true, this variable configures Tripwire to report if
a file within a watched directory changes, but not to report the
change for the directory itself. This limits redundancy in
Tripwire reports. The default value is false.
true, this variable configures Tripwire to report
information to the syslog daemon via the "user" facility. The log
level is set to notice. See the
syslogd man page for more information. The
default value is false.
true, this variable configures Tripwire to
email a report at a regular interval regardless of whether any
violations have occurred. The default value is
level detail for emailed reports. Valid values for this variable
are 0 through 4. The default value is
REPORTLEVEL — Specifies the level
detail for reports generated by the twprint
command. This value can be overridden on the command line, but is
set to 3 by default.
MAILMETHOD — Specifies which mail
protocol Tripwire should use. Valid values are
SMTP and SENDMAIL. The default value is
MAILPROGRAM — Specifies which mail
program Tripwire should use. The default value is
/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t.
After editing the sample configuration file, you will need to
configure the sample policy file.
 | Warning |
| For security purposes, you should either delete or store in a secure
location any copies of the plain text
/etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt file after running the
installation script or regenerating a signed configuration
file. Alternatively, you can change the permissions so that it is
not world readable.
19.3.2. Edit /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
Although it is not required, you should edit this heavily commented
sample Tripwire policy file to take into account the specific
applications, files, and directories on your system. Relying on the
unaltered sample configuration from the RPM may not adequately protect
your system.
Modifying the policy file also increases the usefulness of
Tripwire reports by minimizing false alerts for files and programs you
are not using and by adding functionality, such as email notification.
If you modify the sample policy file after running the configuration
script, see Section 19.8 Updating the Tripwire Policy File for
instructions on regenerating a signed policy file.
 | Warning |
| For security purposes, you should either delete or store in a secure
location any copies of the plain text
/etc/tripwire/twpol.txt file after running the
installation script or regenerating a signed configuration
file. Alternatively, you can change the permissions so that it is
not world readable.
19.3.3. Run the twinstall.sh Script
As the root user, type /etc/tripwire/twinstall.sh
at the shell prompt to run the configuration script. The
twinstall.sh script will ask you for site and local
passwords. These passwords are used to generate cryptographic keys for
protecting Tripwire files. The script then creates and signs these
When selecting the site and local passwords, you should consider the
following guidelines:
Use at least eight alphanumeric and symbolic characters for
each unique password, but no more than 1023 total characters.
Do not use quotes in a password.
Make the Tripwire passwords completely different from the
root or any other password for the system.
Use unique passwords for both the site key and the
local key.
The site key password protects the Tripwire configuration and policy
files. The local key password protects the Tripwire database and
report files.
 | Warning |
| There is no way to decrypt a signed file if you forget your
password. If you forget the passwords, the files are unusable
and you will have to run the configuration script again.
By encrypting its configuration, policy, database, and report files,
Tripwire protects them from being viewed by anyone who does not know
the site and local passwords. This means that, even if an intruder
obtains root access to your system, they will not be able to alter the
Tripwire files to hide their tracks.
Once encrypted and signed, the configuration and policy files generated
by running the twinstall.sh script should not be
renamed or moved.