Implementation of the NNTP protocol


Table of Contents
Constants -- predefined constants
Net_NNTP_Client::authenticate() -- Authenticate
Net_NNTP_Client::connect() -- Connects to a NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::connectAuthenticated() -- Connect and authenticate to a NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::count() -- Get the number of articles in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Client::getDescriptions() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::first() -- Get the number of the first article in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Client::getArticle() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getArticleRaw() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getGroupArticles() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::getBodyRaw() -- Fetch the body of an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getDate() -- Get date from NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getGroups() -- Fetch list of avaible newsgroups
Net_NNTP_Client::getHeader() -- Fetch the header of an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header
Net_NNTP_Client::getNewGroups() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::getNewNews() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::getOverview() -- Fetch newsgroup overview
Net_NNTP_Client::getReferencesOverview() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::group() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::isConnected() -- Connected?
Net_NNTP_Client::last() -- Get the number of the last article in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Client::post() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::quit() -- Close the connection to the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup

NNTP client implementation


Table of Contents
Constants -- predefined constants
Net_NNTP::command() -- send a command to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::connect() -- Connects to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::connectAuthenticated() -- Connects and authenticates to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::date() -- get date from news server
Net_NNTP::first() -- get lowest message number
Net_NNTP::getArticle() -- fetch an article from a new server
Net_NNTP::getArticleRaw() -- fetch an article from a new server
Net_NNTP::getBody() -- fetch the body of an article
Net_NNTP::getBodyRaw() -- fetch the body of an article
Net_NNTP::getDate() -- get date from news server
Net_NNTP::getGroups() -- fetch list of avaible newsgroups
Net_NNTP::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header
Net_NNTP::getHeaders() -- fetch message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverview() -- fetch a number of message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverviewFmt() -- fetch the name of message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverviewFormat() -- fetch the name of message headers
Net_NNTP::isConnected() -- check connection status
Net_NNTP::last() -- get highest message number
Net_NNTP::max() -- get highest message number
Net_NNTP::min() -- get lowest message number
Net_NNTP::post() -- post a message
Net_NNTP::prepareConnection() -- connects to a newsgroup on a newsserver
Net_NNTP::quit() -- disconnect from a newsserver
Net_NNTP::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup
Net_NNTP::setDebug() -- setting debug mode
Net_NNTP::splitHeaders() -- fetch message headers into in array


This function is deprecated. That means that future versions of this package may not support it anymore.

The historical Net_NNTP class



This module is EXPERIMENTAL. That means that the behaviour of these functions, these function names, in concreto ANYTHING documented here can change in a future release of this package WITHOUT NOTICE. Be warned, and use this module at your own risk.

This package is not documented yet.



This module is EXPERIMENTAL. That means that the behaviour of these functions, these function names, in concreto ANYTHING documented here can change in a future release of this package WITHOUT NOTICE. Be warned, and use this module at your own risk.

This package is not documented yet.


Table of Contents
Constants -- predefined constants

Low level NNTP client implementation.

This package is not documented yet.

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