Supported types of passwords

Supported types of passwords

Supported types of passwords --  This part of the documentation introduces the different supported types of passwords and gives examples for their usage.

Passwords based on given strings

Text_Password provides the ability to create passwords that are based on a given string. In a lot of cases this string is a existing username for a authentication system.

Example 57-3. Creating passwords based on a given string:

require_once "Text/Password.php";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'reverse':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'reverse') . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'rot13':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rot13') . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'rotx':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rotx', 13) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'rotx++':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rotx++', 13) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'rotx--':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rotx--', 13) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'xor':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'xor', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'ascii_rotx':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'ascii_rotx', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'ascii_rotx++':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'ascii_rotx++', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'ascii_rotx--':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'ascii_rotx--', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from login 'olivier', type is 'shuffle':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'shuffle', 1) . "\n\n";

echo "\nCreating password from an array of login 'olivier', 'martin', 'vanhoucke', 'jansen', type is 'reverse':\n";
$logins = array('olivier', 'martin', 'vanhoucke', 'jansen');
print_r(Text_Password::createMultipleFromLogin($logins, 'reverse'));

Currently the following obfuscation algorithms are supported:

  • xor

  • rotx

  • rotx++

  • rotx--

  • ascii_rotx

  • ascii_rotx++

  • ascii_rotx--

  • shuffle

  • reverse

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