Table of Contents
Constants -- predefined constants
Net_FTP::Net_FTP() -- constructor
Net_FTP::connect() -- connects to a given FTP server
Net_FTP::disconnect() -- disconnects from the FTP server
Net_FTP::login() -- logs into the FTP server you are connected to
Net_FTP::cd() -- changes the directory on the server.
Net_FTP::pwd() -- returns the directory on the server you are currently in.
Net_FTP::mkdir() -- creates a new directory.
Net_FTP::execute() -- executes a command on the server.
Net_FTP::mdtm() -- returns the last modification date of a file.
Net_FTP::size() -- returns the size in bytes of a file.
Net_FTP::ls() -- returns the listing of a directory in a specified way.
Net_FTP::rm() -- deletes a file or directory.
Net_FTP::get() -- download a file to the computer your script runs on.
Net_FTP::put() -- upload a file to the FTP server.
Net_FTP::getRecursive() -- download a whole directory to the computer your script runs on.
Net_FTP::putRecursive() -- upload a whole directory to the FTP server.
Net_FTP::checkFileExtension() -- check extensions.ini for the transfermode of a specific file.

Net_FTP provides comfortable communication with FTP-Servers. It mainly provides an OO wrapper to PHP's integrated FTP functions, adding some missing features like recursive up- and downloading of complete folders, so as deleting. The directory listing possibilites were although extended to feature well structured listing of directories and/or files.

Net_FTP works fine for it's functionality, which will be extended by features like recursive filepermission change (over SITE command), different ways of dirlistings, Windows support and more. Another idea is to implement a fallback for the PHP functions using sockets.

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