This uploads a file to the FTP server from the computer your script runs on.
string $local_file -
The source file you'd like to upload. You can specify this with either an absolute path
or a path relative to the scripts directory. (Beware: The script directory is
determined by the called script, if you use includes!)
string $remote_file - The path (including filename) you'd like to
upload to. This could either be an absolute or relative path to a file (not a directory! see:
bool $overwrite = false -
Whether to overwrite the remote file, if it exists or not. if not set the file will not be
int $mode = null -
This has to be one of the constants FTP_ASCII or
FTP_BINARY. if not specified, the class will
try to determine the mode from the file extension (from extensions.ini) or
fall back to the standard transfer mode (attribute).
Return value
mixed - true on success, otherwise PEAR::Error.
Several errors may be returned by put. The errornumber is unspecific (until now) and will not
tell you anything about the errormessage. Possible errors are: